Sunday 25 May 2014

What it's all about!

The kids here in Kenya are really wonderful to be around. Most of you haven't been here so be assured that they are some of the happiest, most unaffected kids you will ever meet. They get up to mischief sometimes but most have a heart of gold. Students are always offering to return my gear to the staffroom, clean the board or carry my chair for me (there is no teacher's chair in the classrooms).

My fondest memories will be of the wide-eyed, friendly boys and girls who, in an instant, can brighten my day.

This is my photographic tribute to them, including some neighbouring kids and various others we have met along the way:

Three of the girls from Form 1 South at the Academy

They all love to have their photos taken, and are good posers!

Students at one of the local primary schools. Things are pretty basic but they enjoy themselves nonetheless.

More happy primary school students

This is a local toddler who is as quiet as a mouse, even when being treated by Tabby for jiggers

Eli is the Head Boy this year, and a lovely guy

Elizabeth from Form 2 North

Some of the girls

Andrew and Joash with one of my very favourite kids (Elise)

Joan - one of the primary school girls who lives at Lela Orphanage

Oliver, Seth and Onesimus
Some of the neighbourhood young'uns
This is Major. A young boy in Taveta who thought wearing someone's glasses upside down was a good laugh!

Simon and Milton (Form 3) clowning around

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