Thursday 17 July 2014

Story Time

The three intrepid travellers;
Taffy, Grog and Dee
Gather around kiddies, it's time for a bed-time story. This is what we call a fairy story, it's about fictitious people,  in a fictitious place, at a fictitious time ... honest!

Once upon a time there were three intrepid travellers who were on their way to grandma's house in the big, bad city. Their names were Grog, Dee and Taffy. Grandma was very magical and she was going to organise a trip to the moon for them. Grandma's name was Shadrack.

Our travellers had to battle storm and tempest and ugly beasts belching out black smoke from their nostrils, but after a time they made it to grandma's house, taking only a few wrong turns. Grandma was very pleased to see them and gave them cakes and sweets and other magical stuff. Sadness soon descended upon the three travellers as they realised it was time to say goodbye to grandma and travel back across the big, bad city. They were sure, however, that they would not get lost.
Grandma Shadrack

After a while they arrived back at the main thoroughfare (this is a long word that means 'big road' children). As they were waiting to cross the road, two storm troopers in light blue uniforms (and badges) waved frantically at our intrepid travellers. They were very angry, accusing the travellers of going the wrong way down a one way street. Grog was very upset and worried because he had been the one steering the mother ship. The storm troopers made him park by the side of the road and proceeded to say very nasty things children. They disparaged Grog's driving skills, suggesting that he lacked common sense and intelligence. Grog was very sad. Grog tried to tell them that there were no signs to help strangers in a foreign land. But the storm troopers did not seem to be listening.

Storm trooper number one suggested that all of the travellers would have to go to the big, white building where Grog would be scolded severely and made to visit a magistrate (a magistrate, children, is a mean person who likes to take your money from you).

Dee was also very worried. She decided to talk to grandma on her magical box. Grandma was very wise and told her that the storm trooper was probably very hungry and desperately needed money so that he could buy some food and be happier. Dee thanked grandma and told everyone what grandma had said. They were all very sorry for the storm troopers when they realised that their anger was due to poverty and starvation.

Grog suggested that perhaps they could give the storm troopers 5,000 shekels so that they could buy a good meal. The storm troopers sat in the back of the mother ship and discussed this possibility. Taffy thought that this was a very good thing, and she decided to practice speaking to them in their mother tongue. The storm troopers were happy to hear her speak in their language and they smiled at her. Taffy smiled back. Grog was not smiling.

Eventually the storm troopers decided that they were hungry and could indeed put the 5000 shekels to good use. The intrepid travellers were very happy. They looked in their purses and hidey holes (a hidey hole, children, is a secret place where one hides money and Mars Bars). Woe and alas!!! Our travellers could only gather 3580 shekels as they had given most of their money to grandma. What would they do ... The poor storm troopers might not get enough to eat and they may stay angry.

3580 shekels

Very humbly the intrepid travellers presented their booty (this is not what you may think children. Booty is actually treasure and money) to the storm troopers. To the travellers surprise the storm troopers were very happy. They smiled at each other and then told us that we would not have to go to the big, white house or talk to the mean magistrate.

As the storm troopers walked off, probably to buy their meal, the intrepid travellers pulled away from the kerb and continued on their travels. Dee used her magical box to talk to grandma once again, telling her about how they had fed the storm troopers. Taffy was very excited and even said that she had more money in a very, very secret hidey hole but had not wanted to give it to the storm troopers. Grog was still not smiling.

The mother ship

This is the end of our fairy tale children. Remember, it is not true, it is all a made up story. If you say otherwise, I will have to come around to your house with a big stick and thrash the living daylights out of you.

Sleep well my precious ones.

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