Thursday 2 October 2014

Camping at home

This is a weird feeling - not a problem, just weird.

It is 7:15 at night. For all intents and purposes it is dark.
The electricity has been off for two and a half days.

I am writing this on my iPad which has just given me the 10% low power signal.
There are no lights, no running water and no appliances. Th computer ran out of battery yesterday, and, as stated, the iPad is just about to. The mobile phone is flat as a tack, so I can't phone anyone. The Internet is out because the modem requires power, or a USB connection to my computer, and there is no computer.

You might say, "so there will be no TV or DVD's either". Well, we don't have those luxuries anyway. And wouldn't you know it, the book I am reading is an iBook!

Des is still away in Australia and Tabby and Jennifer (our new arrival from Canada) have gone to the coast to do sponsorship work. I am not lonely but it is extremely quiet. The boarders would normally be in their classrooms, but without power, they have gone to their dormitories early.

What to do? Supper is over (fortunately there is a gas cook-top), the dishes are washed.
I guess I will just lie here, listen to the buzzing of the mosquitoes, and dream of a place where there is a regular power supply.

Apparently there is some saying about "early to bed, early to rise, etc ...". I think I will have to try it out tonight.


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