Tuesday 21 January 2014

Bread of Life

The average rural family in Western Kenya basically has a vegetarian diet. Most meals consist of ugali (porridge bread), rice, or home-made breads and chappatis along with a bean stew and perhaps some kale or cabbage. Tomato and onion are often added to flavour the greens. The food is simple but nutritious.

Unfortunately, many children do not get adequate nutrition. The main causes are loss of the breadwinner, poor farm returns or a basic lack of knowledge regarding a balanced diet.

The Christo's in Kamukuywe established a nutrition program in 2013. It was initiated by Brian and Christine Lloyd from the USA, Rose Spry from Canada and Tabby Ryan from South Australia. Local sisters have carried on the good work since then.

On a Sunday morning children of all ages appear from the fields and dirt tracks to participate in Sunday School. Many are local children with no formal connection to the church. They sing, hear bible stories and receive a nutrition drink. The concoction is a mixture of water, ground grains, protein powder, vitamins and minerals.

The children are happy for any gift of food, but this gift will have lasting benefits for their health. It is wonderful to see their eager faces as they wait in line. This really is a great example of God at work in rural Kenya.
There must have been at least 60 children receiving their drink this morning, and this happens every week.  Surprisingly, the whole scheme costs a mere $3000 per year. For this rural church though, this is a huge amount.
You can help! Even a small amount of money will provide this drink for a child for months. We live a life of abundance whereas these children have very little. If you would like to help out, go to Tabby's web site:


For Desleigh and I it has been truly uplifting to see this Agape in Action!

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