Sunday 9 March 2014

Kakamega Rainforest #3

Day three; we arise at 4:30am and leave for the sunrise walk at 4:50. Benjamin is our guide once again. Along the way we hear the male colobus monkeys claiming their territory. The sound is a very loud, deep croak. As they give their call, they bounce on the branch and shake the whole tree. Young ones squeal as they fear falling to the ground. It is still dark and so the sounds of the forest are our current interest. After about 75 minutes we reach the top of a grassy hill. Light is beginning to overtake the darkness. It is a viewpoint over the entire forest with a vista stretching as far as the ranges that mark the edge of the Rift Valley.

We wait for sunrise. It becomes very cool as the morning breeze begins to blow. The sun eventually rises over the hills, bathing the rainforest in light. As the light increases so do the sounds of the forest -the birds and monkeys are starting a new day. We take in the sights and sounds for quite a while and then head back to camp.
Elise is a casualty this morning. She forgot to bring her walking shoes with her and so we bought her some runners in Kakamega town. The five hour hike the previous day gave her blisters and this morning's walk quickly became very painful. To her credit she battled on, took in the sunrise and hobbled back down the hill. When we reached the main road Benjamin organised for a motor bike to pick her up and take her back to camp.

All of us were back at camp by 9:30. The rest of the day was spent in a very relaxing way.

The views from the hilltop were quite spectacular although I forgot to take my wide-angle lens.
The photos can speak for themselves.

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