Wednesday 16 April 2014


One of the best things about teaching is the holidays.

We have travelled from the school to a game park 200 km South-East of Nairobi. Amboseli game park sits in the shadow of Mt Kilimanjaro. It looks down and mesmerises you with its beauty and grandeur. Amboseli does not have many big cats, and they are seldom seen in the wet season. However, it has large numbers of elephants, wilderbeest and giraffe, and they are what we came to see. I will let the photographs speak for themselves.
Mt Kilimanjaro from the park
We have a good vehicle for animal spotting!

An example of the artistic flair of the Creator

An example of the humour of the Creator

This was a very large bull ... but Des wouldn't stand near it to show its relative size.

Part of a herd of over 50 elephants grazing in the late afternoon ... amazing.

This guy is either meditating or getting a suntan.

These giraffe were coming straight towards us, wanting to cross the road. They were very wary and never took their eyes off us. Some were daring enough to cross 10 metres in front of the car.

There was a young calf that was obviously sick. The herd were gathered around, seemingly concerned. The big bull elephant in the centre of the picture came closer and closer to us, a sign that we needed to reverse out of their way.

Amboseli was an amazing self-drive experience. If you ever get the chance to go, you will love it.

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